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Welcome to my Blog!

I guess I should start with “who am I” in case anyone who DOESN’T know me ever reads this. I am a Canadian musical theatre performer, and no, you haven’t seen me at Stratford or Drayton. I’ve never “made it big” (though, arguably, does ANYONE?), but up until March 2020, I’ve been incredibly fortunate that I’ve usually had some form of professional theatre or dance in my adult life. I don’t take any of these opportunities for granted, no matter how small. I have small-town BC in my blood, and it really wasn’t until I moved to Toronto when I realized how much of an impact that has had on subsequent opportunities and my outlook on the profession in general.

One aspect of theatre that has continued to inspire me is its ability to help people. I enjoy bringing hope and happiness to audience members by transporting them to different places of fantasy. When the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 took hold and the world disappeared, so did this outlet I had found to change people’s lives. In its absence, my motivation to help others has only gotten stronger.

After a few months of wracking my brain on what value I could bring to the world, I did find one way I thought I could make a difference. My experience with distance learning was a formative aspect of my younger years, and yet it seems to be a struggle for many who have recently been forced into it. A classroom is still the norm, and working in a self-directed environment is undoubtedly a different skill. As a person from a small town, I can see the internet’s potential to bring access to quality education to a broader range of people, and I stand behind this attempt to develop it as a more respected educational method. Yes, it won’t work for everybody, but neither does classroom education. Every human and situation is unique, so there will never be a one-size-all situation that will work flawlessly for everyone.

I decided to put my experience in both home learning and entertainment into a few new ventures: A+ Academics at Home and TST (20 Second Tips for Home Learning). These outlets are my attempt to bring a little light into the darkness.

Click here for more info about these two projects.

This blog will revolve around these two passions: Theatre and Home Learning.

Thank you…and WELCOME!