50 30-Second Break Activities for Stupidly Busy Students

Are you too busy to take a long break? No worries - try one of these!

busy student 30 second short break ideas.jpg

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1) 38 Jumping Jacks

Just don’t slow down or else you’ll have to go for longer than 30 seconds to fit them all in!

2) Make your bed

…though, of course, it was already made…so this one’s void…..

3) Open a door/window, and take 8 deep breaths

In through your nose (slowly-ish), and out through your mouth (quickly-ish)

4) Like 21 Instagram Posts

This works if you don’t read the captions. If you want to read some long captions, go for 6 instead.

5) Go to the bathroom

Number 1s only, though!

6) Complete one easy “review” exercise on Duolingo

Only the super easy ones, though…30 seconds is admittedly a little tight for this one.

7) Boil water for tea

…and ask someone else to pour it and bring it to you when it’s ready. You don’t have time for THAT.

8) Sprint for 30 seconds

Aren’t you happy you can stop, now?

9) Watch 1 TikTok or Reel

To be fair, this might still go into overtime, but you have my permission for this one.

10) Stretch your hamstrings

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Stand up, and flop over like a rag doll until your hands reach towards the ground. No worries if you can’t touch it - everyone’s different. The more you do this, it’ll get easier, though!

11) Text your friend:


(I have lots of friends - can’t you tell?)

12) Watch this video:

(ps you might have to pre-load it…there’s an ad at the beginning)

13) Take a picture and post it on Instagram

Just don’t start scrolling if you’re taking a picture - you don’t have time for both!!!!

14) Pick a new Spotify playlist to try

Don’t get too picky now, though - remember, you only have 30 seconds!

15) Affirmation mirror time (yep - this is definitely the technical term)

Pick something positive and encouraging to say, and say it to yourself in the mirror a couple times

(yes, this is TOTALLY the technically correct ways of affirmation-ing). 

Don’t know where to start? Try:

I am smart, I am awesome, I can do this!

16) Wash your face

Nothing like a good-old procrastiwash. If you’re falling asleep, opt for cold water. It works stupidly well.

17) Put 6 articles of clothing away

It’s amazing how a break suddenly turned into housework, isn’t it…

18) Trim your nails

Pick either your toes or your hands - you do NOT have time for both!!!

19) Stand up, stretch your arms out wide and smile really, really, really big!

It does more than you’d think, right???

20) Deal with and close 3 open tabs on your browser 

…please tell me I’m not the only one with this problem….

21) Read a new word in the dictionary

(and its definition….)

22) Wash your mug/glass

If you’re super speedy, you can probably even get as far as filling it back up with water, too

23) Pet a furry friend

This works better if you have a furry friend. But, you never know - SOME people are super resourceful?

24) Pay your phone bill

…or credit card bill…or vet bill…or ______ bill….

25) Braid your hair

This works best with longer hair, but anyone is welcome to try it.

26) Change your pants

Change is good, they say!!!

27) Stand on one foot with your eyes closed

Ok - you might want to set your alarm for this one…because you might want to just stay there forever!

28) Write out something you’re grateful for

I’m grateful for this awesome list of things to do. It will be perfect for all those times I’m so busy that I can only take 30 second breaks.

29) Make a paper plane

But only if you know how to make one already. You don’t have time to LEARN to make a paper airplane - that would just be ridiculous.

30) Stand up and wiggle

This is the technical term for moving all the things that you can move…all at the same time!

31) Do 9 squats

Don’t forget: weight in your heels, toes and knees point straight forward, stick that butt out, and squeeze it tight when you’re standing!

32) Put your notes in the garbage

…and then take them back out.

That felt good, didn’t it?

…this works best with dry, shallow garbage cans.

33) Floss your teeth

Save the 2 minutes of brushing for another time!

34) Raise your shoulders all the way up to your ears, and then drop them back down and back

Repeat…6 times? 8 times? I don’t know - you’re the one with the timer.

35) Handstand against a wall

This is easier than it looks with a bit of persistence….just don’t get cocky and assume you don’t need the wall anymore.

36) Meditate

Because this is probably the longest amount of time some of us can mediate for anyways.

37) Elevate your legs and lie there

This is easiest if you sit on the floor with your butt against the wall, and your legs up the wall…but there are many variations to this. You can also lie on the floor and put your feet up on the couch.

38) Order a new book from the library…or check for overdue items

This might only work if you already have a book in mind.

39) Question the meaning of life

Then stop, because that’s not a fun spiral.

40) Hula hoop

The only supplies you need are: one hula hoop

41) Find one puzzle piece

This might take you more than 30 seconds, but you get my special permission for this one.

42) Do a really, really, really big and loud stretch and yawn

I feel like you probably understood that one without a description….

43) Donate to a charity

…even if that charity is you. You’re a certified non-profit, right? I know I am. Well, maybe not certified, but certainly non-profit.

44) Do 10 cartwheels

Why did this one end up being a nice round number? I must’ve done it wrong…back to cartwheeling, I guess…too bad about that cute old lamp…

45) Clean the toilet bowl

FUN - RIGHT??????

46) Water a plant

You might even have time to water 3 or 4 of them if you pre-fill the water jug.

47) Ask your roommate if they need help

And then don’t do it because you don’t have any more time left. But no worries - it’s the thought that counts.

48) Eat a carrot

…unless you’re allergic…

49) Play Baby Shark

Then turn it off because 30 second’s more than you’ll ever need.

50) Share this post with a friend

…did it work???

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Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration.

Nadya has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!

If you’d like to make sure she’s able to continue creating awesome content like this, please consider donating to her tea fund: