Want to Prevent Burnout? Schedule These 8 Activities Into Your Student Life Today!

It’s so easy to get swept away into school life and forget that other things exist. While this might work temporarily, it’s the best way to burn out and metaphorically explode.

If you’re the type of person who will tend to either overwork or procrastinate by doing fun things, you might find it useful to actually schedule out your time a little more thoroughly.

Since these things are “extras”, it is totally possible to omit them if you’re ever too busy…but the best way to make sure they at least USUALLY happen is to actually schedule them until they become routine.

As long as you can make it happen time-wise, the results are going to be SO worth it! So, here are:

8 Things to Include in your Schedule to Prevent Burnout

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1) Meal Prep

The more you can cook at home, the more money you will save. You DO end up trading money for time, though…and time is ALSO a limitation when you’re going to school.

If you pre-plan your meal prep schedule, you’ll know when you’re able to batch-cook meals FOR those busy days. Make some meals like stir-frys and stews that you can freeze in meal-sized containers.

Healthy at-home meals are cheaper, better for you, and often even faster than waiting in line at the [insert fast-food-joint name here]. It’s a win-win-win situation!

2) Friend Hang-Outs

Yes, you DO get to visit with your friends once in a while! The key is to make these times conscious and disciplined if you still have things to get done later.

If you schedule in the time to just relax and chill with your friends, that time can be guilt-free because you already have time allotted to work on your schoolwork.

Then, if you finish early (and if they do, too), you’ll be able to hang out again after with even LESS guilt!

3) Exercise

I know - it’s everyone’s favourite thing.

Actually, for some people, it is….but for others, it’s that stupid awful annoying thing they’re happy to have an excuse not to do.

So, I’m here to tell you not to ignore it…for so many reasons more than just “your 90-year-old body will thank you when you get there”.

If you’re not a fitness-ey person, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to fit in some exercise without even breaking a sweat. While it’s certainly better if you can, even a few light stretches can go a long way!

Check out this stretching video with Brainy if you want a place to start.

4) Grocery Shopping/Errands

Keep track of things during the week so you know EXACTLY what errands you need to get done on your days off. Then, plan out the route, etc. so you won’t end up having to take multiple trips home because you did something silly like get your groceries first.

For ultimate scheduling, plan to do errands with a friend who needs to go to the same places. That way, you’ll fit in seeing a friend WITH your errands! (though be prepared that this WILL slow the errand journey down…don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!)

5) Laundry/Cleaning

While it can be tempting to just wait until your last pair of underwear to do your laundry, it’s actually WAY more convenient to put it into your schedule and do it more regularly. There’s nothing worse than having a surprise busy night but having to fit in a trip to the laundromat because you ran out of pants.

As a student, you don’t have THAT much control over your schedule, so try and get these life things done painlessly whenever they can.

6) Breaks

Don’t just work until you’re tired and then give up for the night. Study for shorter lengths (like 30 minutes or so), and then take conscious 5-10 minute breaks to avoid burning out. If this is foreign to you, try something like the Pomodoro Technique.

If you don’t know what that is, check out my Intro to the Pomodoro Technique.

Also, schedule in regular daily review of things that aren’t necessarily at the top of your list. The more often you can go over past things you have learned, the easier studying for tests will be. And who wants to study HARDER for tests than you have to???

7) Hobbies

Do you have things that you just LOVE to do? Great - find a time to do them! It will be the best mood-booster you can have…

…and who DOESN’T need a little mood booster here and there during school???

doodle self care.png

8) Self Care

Take care of your mind and your body. Whether this means meditation, journaling, a bath, yoga, a movie marathon, D&D - whatever helps you rejuvenate and feel like yourself again is exactly what you need to do.

Find a way of scheduling in regular time to do these things that help you re-charge.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the school “hard work” bubble, but really, unless there’s a human under there, what’s the point of it all in the first place?

Want some more tips to help you succeed in college? Check out:

The Secret to Stress-Free Exams

This essential studying guide covers tried-and-true study techniques, note taking strategies for success, how to defeat studying burnout and much more.

What will you learn?

  • How to START studying

  • Study techniques and strategies to improve performance

  • Tips to improve focus and concentration

  • Note taking strategies for success

  • The easiest way to study in your unique learning style

  • How to abolish studying burnout

  • How to study smarter, not harder

So what's the secret to stress-free exams? Reading this awesome book, of course!

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!

If you’d like to support her continued efforts to create resources for students, please consider contributing to her Ko-Fi fund!