The Secret to Stress-Free Exams; Effective Study Techniques for University Students


It’s everyone’s favourite time of year!!!



Ok - admittedly, exams might not be everyone’s favourite thing. Really and truly, if you say you love them, I might possibly distrust you just a little bit…

But THAT’S not important.

Are you looking for a “How to Study in College” book?

Well - you just found it!

You came here for the secret solution to make your life less stressful. School going to keep testing you whether you like it or not, so you might as well learn how to make it a teensy bit less painful.

What if I told you there was a BOOK that could help you:
~Speed up the studying process
~Study smarter, not harder
~Learn how to abolish studying burnout
~To take notes like a boss
~Study less, absorb more
~Find motivation within the abyss

Well, I’m telling you: NOW THERE IS!

This book is here to teach you the BEST WAY TO STUDY

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The Secret to Stress-Free Exams; Effective Study Techniques for University Students was created with students in mind.

Not only will you be shown actionable study techniques to help fast-track memorization, but you’ll also learn how to combat distractedness and boredom.

If you’re sold already and just want to sign up for this little pot of gold, check it out here:

As a special little bonus, here’s a little excerpt about how to improve note-taking skills.

…Because OBVIOUSLY a book about studying can’t NOT talk about note-taking!

Note-taking is one of those skills that’s not necessarily taught in school, and it’s somehow just assumed to be understood. Yes, in theory, you just pay attention and write down the essentials…but how do you know what’s important? Don’t you only need to take notes during live sessions (aka the things that will disappear once they’re over)? 

Many people assume notes are just there to have something to study from; if all of your materials are already written down in a textbook or something, it’s just a useless extra step. Why would you need things written out again when your text explains everything?

There are two other valuable side-effects of solid note-taking, though, and you’ll completely miss out on them if you skip this step.

Writing information down is good practice for your brain. When it comes to learning most skills, the more you practice something, the better you’ll get at it. You don’t become an excellent hockey player simply by reading about HOW to play hockey all day. You have to DO it, too.

Learning information is no different. You have to USE it to fully understand it. When you write things down, you are practicing those concepts in your own vocabulary. You are also reiterating the material on another level than just re-reading the words. Even if you don’t re-write the sentence structure, the physical act of writing things down will help with retention and memorization.

The other essential side-effect of proper note-taking will be the beautiful, concise bare bones of the course without the extra fluff. You may have needed that fluff to understand the concepts in the first place, but now that you’ve understood everything, the basics will trigger the rest of what you know.

It is best to create at least two sets of notes. The first set should be the chronological “everything you need to know” notes. These are the ones you make as you work through the course. The second set is a revision of the first, and this is the set you will ultimately study from.

Ready to find out how to study without stress?

Who is Nadya Corscadden and why should I listen to her study tips?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre, but has always been an academic at heart. Nothing like going to musical theatre school and cleaning up on academic awards, right?? Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration when studying at home. Basically, she’s been studying like a university student since middle school, so she’s pretty much a studying expert!

Nadya has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone harness their true potential at school!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!