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The Best Way to Stay Focused All Day (Home Learning Hack)

There’s no denying it - it’s easy for things to get boring when you’re learning by yourself at the same table ALLLLLL day. Especially if material is dry or challenging, unless you have supreme focus skills, it’s only natural for your mind to wander.

When your brain isn’t focused, things take twice as long to understand. Change it up by relocating!

When you’re getting static information from a textbook or screen, changing up the world AROUND that textbook/screen will give your brain the breath of fresh air that it needs. If it’s possible to do a section of reading in a different chair or room, go for it. If you can take your study notes outside occasionally, even better!

Breaking up the monotony of your peripheral world is the best way to trick your brain into thinking you’re now in a new situation, and this will renew your ability to focus.

Now, don’t throw away your desk just yet!

While it’s useful to have a consistent study area where your brain is conditioned to believe this is your learning space. It’s also imperative to work in other areas so that monotony exhaustion doesn’t set in. By reserving that space for the times you really need it, it will become a helpful haven instead of hindering you by becoming stale.

If you don’t have another PLACE you can go, try something as simple as changing what direction you’re facing…or the way you’re sitting…or even maybe moving a couple things that are sitting around you in your peripheral vision. You’re not looking AT your surroundings when you’re studying, so it’s relatively easy to convince your brain that you’ve changed the scenery.

If you haven’t watched it yet, check out this week’s 20 Second Tip! The message may be the same, but it’s super fun and easier to share :-)