Posts in Home Learning
20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

Do you want to pretend to be proactive outside of school hours by learning something extra…but instead actually TRYING, you’d rather just half-heartedly learn something silly and useless instead?

Tadaaaa! Here’s a list of words you quite possibly never knew before, and can learn for *unofficial extra school credit.

Though to be honest, if you didn’t know them, it’s probably because they’re not exactly super useful additions to your vocabulary.

That doesn’t mean learning them’s a waste of your time, though. You never know when random vocabulary words will come in handy!

Here are:

20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

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Is Online School Stressing You Out???

So…you have to go to school from home, and it’s stressing you out???

Congratulations - you’re normal! Online school doesn’t have to be extra stressful, but when you’re studying online because you HAVE to (because the world IS very stressful right now), it’s a completely different story.

Even if the situation could bring positive results, it’s admittedly very hard to find the positive in something when it’s presented to you because of trauma.

Stay strong, my friend, you got this.

And if you need a few pick-me-ups, keep reading.

These are the BEST things to do when online school is stressing you out.

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Game-Changing Strategies and Study Techniques for Online School

What if I told you all of your online school woes could fall away simply by implementing some of the things on this list? Would you want to try them?

Ok, what if I told you these things might not REVOLUTIONIZE the way you study, but they will totally help. Truth be told, they aren’t revolutionary because you don’t need a revolution. Whenever things are going off track with online school, the solution’s never as bad as it feels like it might be. You’re a lot closer to success than you think!!

When I was going to school from home, I fell into all the un-motivated and distraction traps possible. Here are the best the strategies and techniques that snapped me out of it. Try all of these, some of these, or even just one. Whatever works for you IS the best thing to do.

Here’s a handful of awesome studying best practices to help you learn at home

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How to Use Flashcards (and The Secret Leitner Method): Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to study techniques, it’s pretty hard to avoid one of the giants: flashcards!

But, why? Don’t they go out of style after grade 2?


Just because they’re useful when you’re a kid doesn’t mean they’re NOT useful now. In fact, as you develop more independence in your learning process, flashcards will quickly become your absolute best friend.

If you’re new to making your own flashcards and practicing with them yourself, read on: there are certainly techniques and strategies around that will fast-track you to success!

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Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning: Effective Study Tips for Different Learning Styles

Everyone has a way of learning that works best for their brain.

Don't believe me?

Have you ever noticed that some people would rather sit in a lecture hall and have something explained, while others prefer to read everything from the textbook? No, one of them isn't just weird. These two systems can give you the exact same information, but the average student will likely prefer one method over the other. Neither approach is wrong, or worse in general. It's only wrong/worse if it goes against their natural learning tendencies.

Introducing: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning

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17 Effective Study Habits Guaranteed to Launch you to Success

Studying is a pretty hot topic these days…though, to be fair, it’s a pretty hot topic almost ALWAYS…except for maybe the first week of school.

If your studying skills are a little less than ninja, it might be worth exploring some of these. Not everything is going to work for everybody (or in every situation), but the more tools you try, the more prepared you’ll be to tackle anything that comes!

Here are 17 proven strategies that will help you study like a pro!

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HELP!!!! What Should I Do if I’m Struggling With Online School????

When you’re learning at home, it’s common to feel pretty alone. You are, after all, SORT OF alone - there’s nobody else in the same room taking the course with you. This feeling of loneliness can sometimes feed the desperation to understand everything right away.

Are you totally screwed if you don’t understand everything when it’s first given to you? If you DO need help, how are you going to get it? You can’t necessarily get on the phone and ask a teacher to read the whole lesson to you and explain it.

This simple process will help you find comfort in the learning process and figure out when to get help.

In a classroom, you can just ask questions in the moment, and solve any little confusions before they become big misunderstandings. When you’re learning from home, however, those quick little hand raises are less easy to come by, and getting off track is certainly more possible.

Be patient - learning takes time, and it doesn’t take the same amount of time for everyone.

When you’re learning from home, it feels way more scary and alone when the thing in front of you doesn’t make sense. It’s only natural to feel defeated when you don’t understand everything right away…but it’s really not a sign of anything more than “this section is challenging”. You tackle challenges in a group setting, too, it’s just more convenient to ask questions there, and you have a visible team around you for support…so it SEEMS less daunting in that setting (if that’s what you’re used to).

When you’re learning from home, however, you get the opportunity to sit in that misunderstanding. While that in itself may seem like a negative, it is also of great benefit. You’re given the chance to work your way out of that hole - a process which will massively strengthen that knowledge in the first place. Confusion therefore doesn’t have to be a negative. Confusion is merely an obstacle that will add to your sense of accomplishment and understanding when things finally make sense!

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Note-Taking: Everything You Need to Know

Note-taking is one of those skills that’s not necessarily taught in school, but it’s somehow just assumed to be understood. Yes, in theory, you just pay attention and write down the important things…but how do you know what’s important? Why is it such a big deal to just use someone else’s notes? Don’t you only need to take notes during live sessions (aka the things that will disappear once they’re over)?

Many people assume notes are just a there to have something to study from…so if all of your materials are written down already in a textbook or something, it’s just a useless extra step. Why would you need things written out again when your textbook already explains everything?

There are two other useful side-effects of solid note-taking, though, and you’ll completely miss out on them if you skip this step in the process…

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