20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

Do you want to pretend to be proactive outside of school hours by learning something extra…but instead actually TRYING, you’d rather just half-heartedly learn something silly and useless instead?

Tadaaaa! Here’s a list of words you quite possibly never knew before, and can learn for *unofficial extra school credit.

Though to be honest, if you didn’t know them, it’s probably because they’re not exactly super useful additions to your vocabulary.

That doesn’t mean learning them’s a waste of your time, though. You never know when random vocabulary words will come in handy!

Here are:

20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

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1 - Oxter

This one’s a Scottish/Northern English term for armpit. Not that exciting or useful, but just kind of a funny word!

2 - Fartlek

This word is basically another type of interval training for runners. Traditional interval training includes sprinting with walking breaks at regular intervals. Fartlek training consists of fast runs interspersed with slower runs. So basically instead of intense/low, it is intense/medium.

3 - Popple

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with popcorn and everything to do with choppy seas.

4 - Bumfuzzle

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This one’s actually one you may have run into before…but no worries if not - you’re about to learn what it means now! To bumfuzzle someone is to confuse or fluster them.

5 - Lickspittle

Someone who flatters someone more important than them to get ahead.

6 - Herky-Jerky

This one appears in regular life occasionally as well. It means to move around in a starting/stopping/jerky fashion.

7 - Flummery

Basically, it’s elaborate talking that doesn’t really mean anything. It’s also apparently an old English dessert, but the EXACT dessert it refers to seems to have gotten a little loose over time…so I don’t want to lie and tell you the exact dessert-y definition.

8 - Draggle

To make something dirty or wet by dragging it through mud and/or water. This is not a happy thing even though it can be fun to do…

9 - Penuche

It’s kind of like a fudge, but a little bit different. It uses a mixture of brown and white sugar instead of just white sugar. Sounds yummy to me!

10 - Skirl

The wailing sound that comes from bagpipes…and other similarly-shrill sounds.

11 - Stumblebum

Someone clumsy.

12 - Barnburner

A super exciting sports ball game.

Yes, this is the technical term.

13 - Frippery

Wearing something unnecessarily fancy. It can also sometimes be used to describe particularly over-the-top architecture and language .

14 - Waggish

Being funny in a clever/witty way.

15 - Maracronic

When you mix elements of foreign languages in with your own. It was originally when you mixed Latin with whatever the vernacular language was, but over time, it has more become just a term for mixing languages.

16 - Waesucks

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Alas! Expressing pity or sorrow.

17 - Piffle


Nothing more, nothing less.

18 - Peccadillo

It is basically a word for “a little sin”. So, it means doing something small and wrong as opposed to BIG and wrong.

19 - Williwaw

A sudden blast of wind from the mountains out to the sea.

20 - Widdershins

Moving counter clockwise or contrary to the sun’s direction.

Are you feeling super DUPER smart, now??? You totally SHOULD!!!!

If you want a re-cap of all of these (with sweet visuals, of course), check out the video below!

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!

If you’d like to support her continued efforts to create resources for students, please consider contributing to her Ko-Fi fund!