How to Make Ice Cream at Home - Shaking/Plastic Bag Method

Summer is the TIME FOR ICE CREAM!!!!

I was so excited when I discovered you could actually make ice cream at home, using supplies that you probably already have in your kitchen. (well….at least you’ll have MOST of the supplies. I had to buy the cream, hehe).

What makes it even better is it’s also super, super simple! So, if you’re willing to put in a bit of manual labour (which is probably for the best if you’re also planning on consuming ice cream), you’ll be tasting its sweet goodness in no time!

So, what do you need to make ice cream at home?

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Needed Supplies:

  • 1 large ziplock bag

  • 1 small ziplock bag

  • 3 cups ice

  • 1/3 cup salt

Ice Cream Ingredients:

  • 1 cup half & half cream

  • 2 TBSP sugar

  • Flavourings (see below for ideas)

For Vanilla Ice Cream:

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

For Lemon Ice Cream:

  • 1/4 tsp lemon extract

For Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream:

  • 1/4 tsp mint extract

  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips

Now how do you compile all of these to MAKE ice cream?

Step 1: Prepare the Ice Cream

Put cream, sugar and flavourings together in the small ziploc bag. Push out excess air, and seal it tightly.

Step 2: Prepare the Bag

Put ice and salt in the large ziplock bag.

Step 3: Put Things Together

Put the small bag inside of the large bag, and then seal the large bag.

(in case you’re confused, the ice creamy goodness will be in the sealed small bag…which then goes inside the large bag which has the ice and the salt)

Step 4: Shake

Shake the bag for 7-10 minutes….or for as long as you can…your arms will get TIRED.

Step 5: Eat the Ice Cream

This is probably the easiest, and most rewarding step. Eat the ice cream.


The bag will get cold (there IS ice inside of it, after all!), so you might find a towel or light gloves might be useful to keep your hands happy.

This is more fun to make with two of you…because 7 minutes of shaking a bag is a LONG TIME.

It hopefully goes without saying, but play around with the flavourings as much as you’d like. These were the amounts that worked for me, but you might have different taste buds. A few amounts have been changed since my original video (below).

Don’t expect the ice cream to be exactly the same consistency as regular store-bought/machine-made ice cream. It’s a little icy in comparison. BUT it still tastes good, and that’s what really matters!

If you’re more of a visual learner or if my excited sugar-high rambling just doesn’t make sense, check out the video below. Note that I have made a few adjustments to the recipes above to reflect a few of the discoveries I made while making the video.

Trying to figure out what else you should do today? Why not check out:

7 Things to Do When You Have No Clue What To Do

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!

If you’d like to support her continued efforts to create resources for students, please consider contributing to her Ko-Fi fund!