Posts in Other Fun Stuff!
How to Make Ice Cream at Home - Shaking/Plastic Bag Method

I was so excited when I discovered you could actually make ice cream at home, using supplies that you probably already have in your kitchen. (well….at least you’ll have MOST of the supplies. I had to buy the cream).

What makes it even better is it’s also super, super simple! So, if you’re willing to put in a bit of manual labour (which is probably for the best if you’re also planning on consuming ice cream), you’ll be tasting its sweet goodness in no time!

So, what do you need to make ice cream at home?

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20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

Do you want to pretend to be proactive outside of school hours by learning something extra…but instead actually TRYING, you’d rather just half-heartedly learn something silly and useless instead?

Tadaaaa! Here’s a list of words you quite possibly never knew before, and can learn for *unofficial extra school credit.

Though to be honest, if you didn’t know them, it’s probably because they’re not exactly super useful additions to your vocabulary.

That doesn’t mean learning them’s a waste of your time, though. You never know when random vocabulary words will come in handy!

Here are:

20 Randomly Weird Words You Never Knew Before

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11 Adorable Notebooks - Perfect for Journaling!

Have you found yourself journaling over the break? I’ve always found it’s a great way to clarify my thoughts and blow off a bit of steam.

For anyone who doesn’t know, I’ve recently started designing notebooks on Amazon. While some I’ve put together are more made for school, these are my favourites for keeping right beside your bedside table.

These ones are all 6x9 inches in size, and have simple lined pages inside.

Check out these adorable notebooks that are absolutely PERFECT for journaling!

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7 Things to Do When You Have No Clue What To Do

So you want to know what you should do right now?

Ummm……do you really think a random stranger on the internet can tell you what to do today?


No pressure, Nadya…

OK….let’s see what I can come up with.

What Should I Do Right Now???? 7 Things to Do When You Have No Clue What To Do

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Are you Exhausted? Here are 28 Alternatives to Coffee and Caffeine

The college student's best friend is coffee. It's the go-to for staying up late, refreshing during a long day and feeling awake when you have that 8am class. When you need a pick me up, caffeine is the natural go-to choice. It's not exactly the BEST choice, though.

Caffeine can cause anxiety, disturb sleep patterns, and create other health issues. And while some people may take these side effects in stride, others might find themselves wanting to break the addiction for good.

Thank goodness there are other ways to refresh your brain that don't include caffeine!

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Best Grocery Store Teas of 2021 (These Are A Few Of My Favourite Teas)

I drink SO. MUCH. TEA.

Tea is the perfect start to my morning, and it’s the perfect end to my day.

I’m sure I’ll drink less of it once it’s summer again, but no matter what, every day begins with a yummy cuppa.

Here are my favourite supermarket teas that have kept me running this past year!

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23 Glorious Self-Care Ideas to Try Today

You’ve been going through a lot lately. I don’t care if you’re a student, a teacher, a parent, a worker, a wannabe worker, or whatever…every HUMAN is going through a lot right now…whether they want to admit it or not.

If you’re headed down a disaster spiral, stop EVERYTHING. RIGHT. NOW. Take 30 minutes to just be YOU. Realistically, you probably need more than that, but for now, 30 minutes should feel attainable, even in the most jam-packed of schedules. I promise, even if you’re running out of time today, a genuine refresher will kick-start your productivity and you’ll make up for that “lost” time in no time at all!

Here are 23 glorious ideas for when you really need a little TLC

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8 Funniest Animal Videos on the Internet

Funny animal videos are the BEST for when you just need a break.

Your brain can’t be turned on every moment of every day. Sometimes the only way to turn your brain off is to find a true distraction. This is where funny animal videos come in!

Funny and light is the best stress reliever, and I highly recommend watching one of these videos before going to bed after a loooooong day of studying.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy being a human with opposable thumbs!

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