7 Things to Do When You Have No Clue What To Do

So you want to know what you should do right now?

Ummm……do you really think a random stranger on the internet can tell you what to do today?


No pressure, Nadya…

OK….let’s see what I can come up with.

What Should I Do Right Now???? 7 Things to Do When You Have No Clue What To Do

Oh, also - before I forget:

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…at no cost to you

Option 1: Create something

Whether you’re artistic or not, making something with your hands is always a good option.

The great thing about making stuff is that no matter what your skillset is, you’ll be able to find something you’re good at…or at the very least, not embarrassingly bad at. Things like cross stitch and paint by numbers were made for people just like you.

Hey - you can even look through your garbage and see what kind of cool things you can make out of all the stuff you were throwing away!

If making arts and crafts isn’t your thing, try something digital. Write, make videos, play with other design softwares like Krita or Canva. Hobbies are always great to have, and you never know when one of those might turn into something more.

When in doubt, pick up a journal and start just writing. About yourself, about life, about what you want, about what’s missing…inspiration will come from somewhere eventually.

Don’t forget to pick up a fun or inspiring journal just for these times, too! Check out a few of my favourites I have designed:

Option 2: Learn something

I know, I know, I know, this is probably the last thing you want to do unless you have to, but learning can be totally fun and inspiring when you’re actually learning about stuff you want to learn about….and learning about stuff you don’t have to have tests on.

Check out a bunch of library books or watch movies about things that interest you. If it’s boring, move on. If you start with a ton of different stuff, you can be picky and move onto the next thing if it’s not interesting.

This is seriously where libraries and YouTube shine - you can accumulate so much stuff that you can afford to be really picky and find the right things.

If you want to go deeper into a subject, there are also tons of free and paid online courses available. Check out places like Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, SkillShare, Udemy.

Seriously, there are so many options if you have a look, and that list is only growing…so that’s always a fun option if you’re kinda nerdy like me!

This was one of my favourite recent learning adventures if you want to check it out!

Video Links:

Option 3: Exercise

If you’re bored, you’ve likely already thought of this and decided against it, but I’ll tell you to re-visit it now…but with less pressure and judgement.

I find there are two kinds of people in the world: people who love exercising, and people who don’t.

The people who love exercising will do it with very little hesitation, so I don’t think I need to do anything more than say to you: Hey - you should exercise!, and you’ll probably highly consider it.

So, this little ramble is more aimed at you if you’re that person who avoids exercise at all costs.

I see you, I feel you, but stop being so hard on yourself. Exercise doesn’t have to mean a 10k run. We all have our limits and preferences, and it IS only going to get progressively more frustrating if you keep doing things your body hates. So instead, find what it loves…or at least doesn’t hate as much.

This can mean adding a few extra steps around the room when you get up, or some mobilization exercises and light stretches.

The more you do, the easier it will get too, so doing some moving around now will only help future you that much more.

You can always start with just having some yoga cards laying around. Every once in a while, pick one up, and try out the pose.


Option 4: Communicate with another human

If 2020 and 2021 have taught us anything, it’s the value of human to human communication. So, if you’re bored and looking for something to do, start by communicating with another person (or pet).

If you’re able to see someone in person, fantastic!

If you can’t, though, don’t wallow by yourself all day. Text, email, video chat, or even write letters if you have to.

Communicating with someone in the outside world will remind your brain that you’re not alone…even during those moments where it feels like it the most.

Option 5: Clean/Organize something

Unless you are the most perfect angel of angels who also doesn’t live in your house, there’s basically always something that could do with a little (or big) cleaning or organizing session.

Go through all your old school stuff and see if there’s anything you can get rid of. Clean the bathroom or floor. Re-organize your sock drawer.

While it’s not always everyone’s favourite activity to start, sometimes in the moment it becomes not so bad…and usually by the end, it’s kinda nice that you did it.

If you’re a student, don’t forget to check out my organization guide:

From Chaos to Calm - How to Organize Student Life (Even When You Really Don't Want To)

Option 6: Play a game

I don’t really know what else to say about this one. Pick a game and play it?

Option 7: Consume art

This is the best category because there are just so many options out there…and doesn’t “consume art” just sound way fancier than “watching tv”?

That is true, my friend, watching tv classifies as consuming art!

So does reading books and going on virtual museum tours and watching theatre. Even playing video games and appreciating fancy food can be considered art.

Really, the only limitations on what can be considered artistic are ones that you put on it yourself, because art can be found everywhere.

What was once a highly sought-after aspect of society is now often belittled and considered less important than its once equal counterpart:“functional”. So, even though everyone consumes it daily, it’s rarely championed and given the respect it deserves.

So I guess now I should finish my little soapbox rant with: please support the artists you like. It really doesn’t have to be me (though obviously if it’s me, I wouldn’t complain). But unless they are one of the lucky few who are making an incredible living through their art and nothing else, your support will mean more to them than you could ever know.

And don’t forget that money’s not the only way to support someone (though obviously, again, it’s nice, and kinda essential to survival).

You can support someone just by showing up and appreciating the process.

(That being said, money’s nice, too…so check out my Ko-Fi page if you’d like to help support things like this blog and my Youtube Channel!)

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!