You Won't Succeed at School Unless You Do THIS

School is crazy busy. Sometimes the only manageable part about the whole thing is that it doesn’t happen every single week of the year.

It also usually (*thankfully!*) happens in waves. The start of the term is mild, and then slowly things accumulate and snowball until the end of the term when there might be a big test or something. There may also be a breather in the middle, but often the only major mental gap is right after that big test.

Then, you’re right back at the beginning of the crazy cycle again.

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Because exams are labelled as the Penultimate Grand Finale of a course, you’d think that exam season is the most important part of the school year.

Your school will also tell you it is…because that’s the part they care about the most. It’s important to THEM that you do well because those numbers are reflective of how well they’re doing their job.

The test is there “to prove you learned something”, and it is thought that the better you know the material, the better you’ll do on the test.

Since the whole system seems to be pointed towards this highly stressful moment of reckoning at the end of the course, you’d THINK it’s the most important part of the school year.

It’s not, though.

The most important part of the school year is actually the break.

(Cue: Shock, gasp, WHAAAAAAAAT?????)

Yes, I know this is shocking: the most important part of school is the part when you’re not actually doing school.

That rest is necessary to retain information, though….and without retaining anything, all you’re doing is temporarily stuffing your brain with facts that will ooze out your ears within a matter of months.

(this is EXACTLY what happens scientifically…I’ve seen it with my eyes.)

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Yes, working hard while you’re at school is important. But it’s also super important to not work hard at school work every single minute of the year. So, during times like between terms and summer vacation, taking the time to do something completely NOT school is essential.

Why are holidays so important?

Your brain CAN learn under pressure, but it’s better at storing things long term when you add rest to your routine. Because of this, it’s important to work hard when you’re working hard, but then rest hard when you’re resting.


As long as you don’t have to learn anything for the time being, feel free to spend your time NOT actively learning anything. Don’t worry - you’ll still learn stuff just by living your life…and other stuff you tried to cram into your brain last term might even solidify if you give it a rest from poking and prodding it daily.

So, what’s the secret to success at school?

Take REAL breaks.

If you have periods without assignments and due dates, spend it exactly how you’d like. Review the things you have to, but don’t go overboard unless it’s fun for you.

Even if you find a subject challenging and are worried about coming back too far behind, schedule in some time to NOT work on it. The rest will do your brain a lot of good, and you’ll be surprised what sinks in when you’re not actively reviewing it every day.

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An overloaded brain is limited, and the longer you work full speed ahead, the closer you’ll get to overloaded every day. Once you hit total capacity, you’ll burn out and your brain will be completely useless for longer than necessary.

The benefits of proper breaks are twofold because a happier brain also retains much more than a stressed/strained brain.

I’m not sure if this is also a revolutionary concept, but breaks from stressful situations tend to increase happiness.

(Yep…pretty sure I should get an award for that one…)

Now, before you go “I’ll just work half as hard and get stuff done slowly”, remember also that your brain isn’t designed to be good at multi-tasking. It’s better to either work hard or unapologetically rest instead of doing each one half heartedly.

So go ahead and take that holiday - it’s the absolute best thing you can do to help you succeed at school when you come back!

Want more tips on rocking those exams? Check out:

The Secret to Stress-Free Exams

This book was made for you if you want to:

~Speed up the studying process
~Study smarter, not harder
~Learn how to abolish studying burnout
~To take notes like a boss
~Study less, absorb more
~Find motivation within the abyss

So, what are you waiting for?

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!

If you’d like to support her continued efforts to create resources for students, please consider contributing to her Ko-Fi fund!