Best Grocery Store Teas of 2021 (These Are A Few Of My Favourite Teas)
I drink SO. MUCH. TEA.
Tea is the perfect start to my morning, and it’s the perfect end to my day.
I’m sure I’ll drink less of it once it’s summer again, but no matter what, every day begins with a yummy cuppa.
Here are my favourite grocery store teas that have kept me running this past year!
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This is my go-to morning tea. Some milk and sugar, and it really doesn’t get any more perfect than this!
The only think I don’t love about it is that I’m sad they individually wrap all the bags. I know it’s to keep them fresher, but I go through so many that all the little packages make me sad.
Get the big box - you’ll be happy that you did!!
When I can’t get the Twinnings tea on sale, this is my official back up. It’s affordable and decent. I used to be a Tetley Orange Pekoe girl, but sometimes it tastes like soap these days? I don’t know…it’s a weird quirk that happened after drinking it every day for a few years. I haven’t noticed the Tim Hortons switch to this disaster yet, though, so hopefully that quirk is only for the Tetley.
This tea makes me so happy. I love the lemon ginger as well, but this one's an extra special flavour that I’ve fallen in love with. I usually add a little sugar or sweetener in it to take the sharp edge off…but sometimes it’s nice just on its own.
If you love orange spice teas, but aren’t such a ginger fan, this one’s for you. It’s delicate and sweet - the absolute perfect orange spice tea.
Ok - it’s been a while since there have been genuine fights in my house over who gets the last tea bag. I don’t know. This tea is magical. It’s SO. GOOD. Hopefully they’ll keep it coming back year after year because it’s just irreplaceable. It’s kind of like how Celestial Seasoning’s Bengal Spice was an obsession for a while (until my family fully over-dosed on it, and I don’t think any of us are in love with it anymore).
The last time we bought some, we picked up, like 5 boxes because we weren’t sure if it would still be available after the holidays.
It’s already gone….
I don’t always love black licorice? But liquorice tea is just a whole other level of goodness. Especially if you stick a little extra sugar in there. It’s really sweet (even without sugar), and it is so refreshing and delightful.
Even if you don’t like licorice, I dare you to try it…you might be pleasantly surprised!!
Ok, Tetley - I’m not TOTALLY out to get you. Tetley has the best of the peppermint teas. It’s refreshing and light. What more could you want?
What day would be complete without a good old-fashioned nighttime tea. While camomile is a traditional favourite, Sleepytime has always reigned supreme in my books. Try it for yourself…but maybe wait until tonight…just in case its power takes over and you must abandon the day early.
Do you have a favourite grocery store tea that’s not on this list? Tag me on Instagram @aplusacademicsathome. I’m ALWAYS down to try something new!!
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