23 Glorious Self-Care Ideas to Try Today

You’ve been going through a lot lately. I don’t care if you’re a student, a teacher, a parent, a worker, a wannabe worker, or whatever…every HUMAN is going through a lot right now…whether they want to admit it or not.

If you’re headed down a disaster spiral, stop EVERYTHING. RIGHT. NOW. Take 30 minutes to just be YOU. Realistically, you probably need more than that, but for now, 30 minutes should feel attainable, even in the most jam-packed of schedules. I promise, even if you’re running out of time today, a genuine refresher will kick-start your productivity and you’ll make up for that “lost” time in no time at all!

Here are 23 glorious self-care ideas for when you really need a little TLC:

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1) Take a Bath

This one’s a definite classic, but it certainly isn’t without reason. Add a bath bomb or some bubble bath to make it a truly delightful choice.

2) Walk

Going outside for some fresh air is the best thing you can do for your body and your soul. Do yourself a favour and do some outside exploring without the context of “I’m doing this to see how many calories I can burn in half an hour”.

3) Listen to Music/Podcast

While this can be an addition to other things, sometimes just sitting wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with some calming music is just what the doctor ordered. Try it - you’ll see.

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4) No-Questions Asked TV Break

TV gets a bad reputation for being an unworthy distraction, but sometimes watching the same section of The Big Bang Theory a million times in a row can be supremely comforting. TV can totally be worthy of a self-care 30 minutes as long as you don’t get carried away and let it take over your whole life.

5) Bake Something

Productive - CHECK

Accomplishment - CHECK

Yummy Reward - CHECK

Yeah, baking can certainly be a wonderful self-care idea.

6) Burn a Yummy-Smelling Candle

This may be more of an add-on to other activities, but it also can be relaxing in its own right (unless you’re allergic…sneezing isn’t exactly the most calming of activities). If you’re a true candle enthusiast, make sure you pick up a whole candle set instead of accumulating them one by one.

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7) Read a Book

Go get lost in the magic fantasy land of fiction, or read something real that inspires you as a human. Whatever it is, preference should go to something that gives you the warm fuzzies.

8) Make a Homemade Face or Hair Mask

Sometimes looking after your face or hair is the best medicine money can buy. The bonus is that usually these kinds of things can be made out of items in your cupboard!

Check out:

9) Meditate

Ohmmmmmmm…..what are you waiting for? When your mind is out of control, listening to a guided meditation is a fantastic way to get out of your negative spiral and into a positive headspace.

Check out:

10) Google an Interesting Topic

I don’t know what you’re interested in: Google it yourself!

11) Puzzle

Not everyone likes a good puzzle, but it can be nice to work on something that can be slowly pieced together to completion. If you are puzzle-hesitant, make sure you pick one with lots of distinct clumps of similarly-patterned areas. Ones with lots of tiny things can be difficult, as can ones with a ton of plain sky or forrest.

12) Doodle

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Whether you’re good or not, there’s nothing wrong with trying! If you think you might like to start, but can’t figure out WHERE to start, try something like this book: 365 Doodle Prompts: Everyday Things to Draw and Sketch

13) Visit a Furry Friend

If you don’t have a pet, it’s never a bad idea to befriend a neighbour with a pet - that way you can get some solid fuzzy snuggles in when you need them most. Maybe you can also get a few extra bucks here and there by offering to walk it sometimes!

14) Yoga Video

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Spend some time slowly moving, stretching and breathing…it’s pretty much the perfect combo for self-care. One of my favourites is Yoga with Andriene

15) Play a Game

On your phone, on your computer, on the console, or even the old fashioned way, you have my permission to spend a calculated amount of time playing games as your own me-time.

16) Nap

Sometimes the best way to set your troubles aside for a few moments is just by checking out all together (momentarily, of course!). Give your body the rest it needs so it can go back to conquering the world when it can!

17) Bedroom Dance/Karaoke Party

Self-care doesn’t have to be all about cranking up the calm-ness meter. Self care can also mean blasting your favourite songs and dancing/singing along.

18) Write a “Things I’m Grateful For” List

No matter how awfully things seem to be going, there’s always a little bit of light somewhere. Find it, and cherish it with all your might! If you’re new to this type of not-really journaling, check out: The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal: Give Thanks, Practice Positivity, Find Joy

19) Journal

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For all those other things that don’t fit into your gratitude list, there’s always your journal. Write down the good, the bad, and the ugly. All of those thoughts and feelings that make you you. Remember, you can always burn it one day if necessary.

20) Scroll Inspirational Quotes on Instagram

Other people are smart - it’s pretty amazing! If you can’t find the inspiration internally, it’s almost guaranteed that someone else will be able to say something in a way that makes all the difference!

21) Browse a Virtual Museum

Virtual museums were always a little bit of a thing, but many more venues have put large aspects of their catalogue online now. Who knows if all of them will stick around, so you might as well check them out before it’s too late!

Check out:

22) Write a letter to a friend

Hey - I haven’t seen you in a while, but I miss you, and hope you’re doing alright! I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently. I’ve been up to ________. What have you been up to recently?

23) Go on a Disneyland Adventure

…from your COUCH! if you’re not worried about spoiling all the rides for future you, check out YouTube’s awesome collection of people recording their way through Disneyland rides.

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If you want to keep reading, here are some other articles that were specially picked for readers like you!

Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!