17 Weird Study Techniques for Students Who've Already Tried Everything

17 Weird Study Techniques To Try Tonight

So, you’re getting tired of just re-reading the same passages over and over again?

You want to try something a little different?

One of these strategies might just possibly be the key to solving your studying woes!

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1) Chew Gum

Many people find their minds turn off when they’re sitting still for too long. Why not try a habit that will keep you moving the WHOLE TIME??

The same can be said about incorporating a fidget like shaking your foot.

Go ahead, try being THAT person!

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2) Listen to your notes while going for a walk

Speak your notes into a voice recorder, and arm yourself with a pair of headphones. Now, go out and enjoy the sun while looping the section you want to memorize. For best results, try to get to the point where you can speak out loud along with the recording.

For the next level, you can also record yourself saying questions and answers. When you’re going over things, play the question and then try to answer it yourself before listening to the pre-recorded answers.

Check out: Best Noise Cancelling Headphones 2021

3) Make actions

When lists are just too complicated, make up distinct actions with every item on the list. Then, start reciting through the list while physically doing those actions. Before long, you might find your brain memorizes the pattern of the actions faster, and those might cue the words you were trying to learn.

4) Stand up, sit down

This one’s quite simple, but it’s one of the best tricks out there. Sit down, and read something…then stand up and recite it. Repeat.

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5) Backwards may be best

Aren’t good at remembering the order of something? Try learning it backwards. Or upside down (if it’s a diagram). Backwards is pretty easy to flip in your brain once you’ve written it down….as long as you REMEMBER that what you remembered is backwards.

6) Design a “day of” cheat sheet

Now, THIS DOESN’T MEAN ACTUALLY CHEATING. This means memorizing a short list of items that WOULD be your cheat sheet if you were bringing one.

Decide on a couple important things that you seem to have trouble keeping in your head (the best are those things that might be the difference between passing or failing). Practice writing those out quickly….a lot. Keep reciting them to yourself until your exam starts, and then write it down as soon as humanly possible. This way, once you’ve started your test, you’ll have a little cheat sheet handy…but it’s not actually cheating….because you didn’t write it down until the test started.

7) Listen to epic music

And when I say epic, I mean EPIC. I’m talking “this is where the hero of the tale scales that mountain and looks over all that he’s accomplished to get there”.

Ok - maybe that doesn’t sound as epic as it does in my head.

BUT, the point is, if you listen to music that triggers success signals in your brain, it might trigger your brain to have a breakthrough at that exact same moment.

Check out my most favouritest epic study music I’ve found yet:

Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem

…I know…it’s classical….but it’s SERIOUSLY SO EPIC IN PLACES!!!

8) Laugh

Even if you don’t find quadratic equations funny, you can still laugh at…laugh at the fact you have to learn them?

But seriously, though. Even if what you’re learning isn’t actually funny, laughing can help your brain retain stuff.

Isn’t that weird???

9) Explain things to someone who has no clue what you’re talking about

If you can explain to your grandmother what you’re learning in biology, then you CLEARLY know what you’re talking about. Make a habit of regularly chatting to people not on your course, and explaining what you’re learning to them. As you find the words to describe things, all you’re actually doing is further engraining the knowledge in your head.

10) Multi-coloured Post-it notes

Having trouble remembering something? Write it on a post-it note and stick it somewhere. Try to find a happy medium between putting them all in a row right and front of you and scattering them around the room in places you’ll never see them.

Every time you come across one of these notes scattered throughout your life, repeat it back three times.

Before long, the colour and the location will pop in your head and help you make that association more naturally.

11) Study right before sleeping

The brain is weird, and it sorts out a lot of things as you’re sleeping. Do yourself a favour by making sure the things you review right before bed are the most important things for you to remember.

And, while we’re on the topic of the night before, don’t forget to do THIS super important pre-test ritual:

…I know…super original, right???

12) Study in short bursts

Don’t even TRY to sit down and study all day unless you have to. Attack studying is almost always the best solution.

Sit down and go over a section, and then go and do other things for 15-20 minutes. Then, suddenly switch back to your studying for another couple minutes, and then resume your other tasks.

Regular repetition with lots of breaks is more useful than one long, drawn-out session, so sneak attack studying is usually the best way to go! (if you have time)

13) Refresh with a cold snap

Some people can handle cold showers, and others prefer a splash of cold water on their face. Whatever you do, cold water can help you instantly refresh and re-focus.

If nothing else, your body will pay attention because all it really wants is for you to stop throwing cold water at it.

14) Find another place to study

Even if it’s not that comfortable long-term, a change of scenery can completely change the way your brain pays attention. It’s as likely to get bored with the location as the material, so why not change SOMETHING up whenever you can??

15) Give yourself a cookie.

…or a bowl of chips…or a…broccoli?

Whatever it is, give yourself a little prize for your efforts. Maybe a solid study session earns you a walk outside, or a bit of time on your favourite game. Even a 3 minute break to bust out your best moves to your favourite music can be a worthy prize!

….mmmmmmmmmmmm :-)

16) Change the lyrics

Can you time some sentences (/strings of words) to the lyrics in your favourite songs? It’s not going to work for everything, but it’s worth a try! Music is a great way of making memorization easier.

17) Jumping Jacks

Get up, flail around, and try to recite the things you’re trying to memorize while doing so. This CERTAINLY sounds like the best method to me!!

Want More Study Tips? Check out:

The Secret to Stress-Free Exams

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Who is Nadya Corscadden?

Nadya holds an MA in Musical Theatre and is no stranger to the home learning scene. Having spent a good chunk of her younger years in distance education (and opting for some correspondence electives at university), she has accumulated many tricks to help maintain focus and inspiration. She has a passion for independent learning and wants to help anyone and everyone find their stride in this atmosphere whether it’s homeschooling or simply studying for that next big test!

She is also a triple threat singer, dancer and actress….and can’t wait until stages are alive again!