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20 Random, Awesome, Totally Useless Facts You'll be SO Happy to Know

You never know when you will need a few random fun facts in your pocket…

Perhaps it’s to prove to your teacher that you learned something over the holidays.

Maybe it’s to rock trivia night.

It might even help to woo your future in-laws.

If nothing else, who doesn't love a back pocket full of useless, random fun facts to make you sound smart???

No matter what you need random facts for, here are a few that are sure to help you wow your prospective crowd.

Here are 20 Random, Awesome, Totally Useless Fun Facts.

…that may or may not end up having any impact at ALL on your life.

PS…*As an Amazon Associate, I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post….at no cost to you.

1. Humans are the only animals that blush

…and might even be the only animals who feel embarrassment. Embarrassment is a pretty advanced emotion in the scheme of things.

2. Ever wonder what that little dot is called on top of a j or i?

It’s called a tittle.

3. In Switzerland, you’re not allowed to own only one guinea pig

It’s because they get lonely. This has also lead to guinea pig rental companies in case you’re ever left with a single one. They also have socialization and care laws for other pets such as parrots, dogs, goldfish and cats.

4. A buttload is a legitimate weight measurement.

The exact amount seems to be different on different sources

(funny how the internet doesn’t always give you perfect information)

From what I can confirm, it’s at LEAST more than 100 gallons.

5. Sea otters have a little pouch under their arms where they store their favourite rocks.

…when they’re not carrying food in it. It’s very possible that food with trump rocks…

6. An octopus has three hearts

No more explanation necessary.

7. Polar bears don’t have white fur

Their fur is transparent. It appears white because of the way it reflects light. They also have black skin underneath. Basically, the whole white thing is a facade.

8. Psycho was the first mainstream American movie to ever show a flushing toilet.

And, bonus tip for the musicians out there: most toilets flush in Eb. Aren’t you glad you know this now?

9. You can’t hum and hold your nose at the same time

This is the only fact on here that I can personally verify.

10. Hawaiian pizza is a lie

It was invented in Canada by a greek immigrant.

11. The Crow Paradox

Crows can tell us apart even though we can’t. What does this mean for you? Never bother a crow - the revenge is REAL.

12. Bananas grow upwards towards the sun instead of towards the ground.

That’s how they end up curved.

13. A swarm of 20,000 bees once followed a vehicle for 2 days

Why, you may ask? Because their queen was inside.

14. The Twitter bird has a name!

His name is Larry

15. Fingernails grow faster in warm weather

Better circulation = faster growth.

16. A glass ball will bounce higher than a rubber one

…as long as it doesn’t break

17. Cows can walk up stairs, but not down them

Well….technically they can…they just REALLY don’t like to….

18. Dragonflies can see in every direction at the same time

One of the benefits of having compound eyes

19. Cheetahs can change direction in mid-air while they’re running


20. Snails are pro nappers.

They can sleep for up to three years if needed! They’ll wake up when there’s enough moisture in the air.

If you love random facts as much as I do, perhaps you should just invest in something like Uncle John’s Truth, Trivia, and the Pursuit of Factines.

Then you’ll have a TON of random facts at the ready ALL the time!