Posts in College/University
20 Awesome College Notebooks Guaranteed to Make Note-Taking (More) Fun! Back-to-School Essentials for 2021

Are you tired of all those plain boring-old notebooks? Want to start off this school year in style?

Show up on your first day of class with some super fun new notebooks!

All of the following are 8.5x11 in size with college-ruled lined pages…which makes them absolutely perfect for note taking!

Here Are 20 super-cute notebooks GUARANTEED to make this school year at least slightly better!

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14 Things High School Students Need to do Before College Starts

Are you transitioning from high school to college? Congratulations - what an exciting time!

FINALLY you can study something that you at least KIND OF want to study, and you can work towards a specific goal for a while…regardless of whether not that ACTUALLY becomes your future career!

But what do you need to DO in these last few weeks before the crazy whirlwind starts? You’ve hopefully planned out the logistics at this point, and now you just have to….wait for the adventure? (/impending doom?)

Here are some things they might not tell you about, but they will help you feel THAT much more prepared for your first day of class!

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You Won't Succeed at School Unless You Do THIS

Because the exams seem to be labelled as the Penultimate Grand Finale of the school year, you might think that exam season is the most important part of the school year.

Your school will also tell you it is…because that’s the part they care about the most. It’s important to THEM that you do well because those numbers are reflective of how well they’re doing their job.

The test is there “to prove you learned something”, and it is thought that the better you know the material, the better you’ll do on the test.

Since the whole system seems to be pointed towards this highly stressful moment of reckoning at the end of the course, you’d THINK it’s the most important part of the school year.

It’s not, though.

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Bad Grades? What should you do? (When you worked SUPER. HARD.)

So, you worked super hard, but still got a bad grade? That sucks - I’m sorry. There’s not exactly anything I can say to reverse it.

Thankfully, no matter how awful it feels, bad grades aren’t a life sentence to eternal failure, though. Your life can, and will continue…and I promise, over time, all of this will become less significant.

That being said, what do you DO to get over it, get through it, and move onwards and upwards?

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Does your brain do this crazy weird thing, too?? Please tell me I’m not alone!!

I discovered that my brain is SUPER weird. Is yours, too? I’d love to know if this is normal or if I’m the only one!

Over the past few months, I have come to discover something very strange and intriguing about my brain…and I have no clue if this is normal…so I thought I would share and see if anyone else has found this, too.

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54 Summer and Part-Time Job Ideas for College Students

Many students find themselves in need of extra income to help pay for school or other expenses. Luckily, there are plenty of part time jobs that students can do to earn some extra cash!

Read on for 54 college student summer job ideas and suggestions.

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The Key to Motivated Studying

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t feel like studying, I DON’T FEEL LIKE STUDYING. And trying to start just makes it worse!

Here are some ways to trick yourself into getting a little bit done, even when your brain says HARD PASS, I HATE THIS, NO.

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