Posts in Home Learning
How to Combat the Work-From-Home Blues - 13 Ideas to Boost Your Mood

There’s no denying it - working alone in your room can be a lonely process. If you’re AT school or AT work, it’s just so much easier to find that community you crave!

How do you effectively combat the work-from-home blues?

Try these 13 ideas to stop you from withering away into the lonely, miserable cavern that is your room/home office.

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Time Management Strategies for Students; 24 Systems to Unlock Your Productivity

If you’re in charge of setting your own schedule (or if you’re looking at a lot of open-ended studying in your near future), you’re going to want a way of organizing your time. While we all like to pretend we’re the type of person who can just sit down and work until whenever, not many people can actually do this.

The best way to motivate yourself to sit down and work is to commit to a schedule of some sort. Your weekly schedule will sort out your targets and goals for the end of each week. How you organize your time in between A and B will come down to your time management system.

Here are some popular time management systems to try out to see what works best for you

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How to Concentrate While Studying

There are three key areas to focus on that will help you concentrate while studying.

Let’s look into each of these in more detail, shall we?

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The Essential Back-to-School Checklist for Online University Students

A new year is the perfect time to start fresh and try again! A blank slate doesn’t mean “start with nothing”, though.

Whether you’re new to eLearning or whether you’re back at it for yet another term, here are some things to keep in mind to set you up for a successful term at university.

Here’s your 12-Step Back-to-School Guide for Online University Students

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Failing at Homeschooling? Your 7 Steps to Success

First off, I’m going to start by saying YOU’RE NOT FAILING HOMESCHOOLING. As long as you’re making an effort, homeschooling isn’t something you ace or fail. Throughout the process you will learn how you learn, and once you’ve mastered that, there’s nothing you won’t be able to do!

BUT if you’re here because you’re struggling with the learning process, read on. There are ways to make everything smoother.

If this is an environment that doesn’t come naturally to you, putting the work in now is CERTAINLY worth the effort because the skills you will develop are priceless. Throughout the process, you’ll master the skills necessarily to tackle any job or educational system in the future.

Here are 7 steps to success when you feel like you’re failing homeschooling

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Secret Home Learning Hack Nobody Tells You

When I started home learning, I definitely wasn’t prepared for how different it would be from my old classroom environment. Since we’re so used to education being presented in a regimented atmosphere, it’s easy to think that it’s just more difficult to do when you aren’t forced into that structure. How is a single student expected to be motivated enough to just sit down and work from 8:30-3:30?

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How to Survive High School Online - 5 Simple Hacks

Online high school is a very different thing than learning in a classroom. It’s a different skill and it has very different advantages and challenges. If you’re struggling with the transition, try these simple hacks to help set up your environment for success and boost your study skills to the next level!

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Prioritizing Tasks: 8 Steps To Efficiently Organize The Chaos

It’s that time of year again where there are so many “things to do” coming from all angles! Sometimes figuring out where to start seems like an impossible hurdle. Though there are many factors that go into prioritizing tasks, by categorizing them first, you will be able to organize your schedule efficiently.

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