Posts in College/University
Morning Survival Guide for College Students

College mornings are BRUTAL. You have to wake up early for a class that you don't really want to be in, and then you have to drag yourself through the next few hours of paying attention before finally getting back home. The struggle is real, but it doesn't have to be that way! With these tips on how to survive morning college classes, you'll spend less time being miserable and more time enjoying your day.

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Are you Exhausted? Here are 28 Alternatives to Coffee and Caffeine

The college student's best friend is coffee. It's the go-to for staying up late, refreshing during a long day and feeling awake when you have that 8am class. When you need a pick me up, caffeine is the natural go-to choice. It's not exactly the BEST choice, though.

Caffeine can cause anxiety, disturb sleep patterns, and create other health issues. And while some people may take these side effects in stride, others might find themselves wanting to break the addiction for good.

Thank goodness there are other ways to refresh your brain that don't include caffeine!

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From Chaos to Calm - How to Organize Student Life (Even When You Really Don't Want To)

Organization. It’s soooooo much fun - I KNOW!!! But, as annoying as it might feel in the beginning, it really is the gift that keeps on giving. As a student, being organized is one of the most useful skills to master. It’s no good trying to do anything if you don’t know when it needs to happen or you don’t know where you put it after you finished it.

The one good thing about organization is that it DOES get easier (once you find the right system). If you tend to continue to avoid doing it, blame the system, not yourself. A smooth system makes everything so much easier; it’s hard to give up once it’s a habit.

This is when you know you’ve hit organizational gold.

A good organization system is hard to abandon because it’s actually easier to do than to not do.

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On the Waitlist for College? Here's What to Do

First off - congratulations!! It may not be the result you had hoped for, but it is certainly still an amazing accomplishment. Being accepted onto a waitlist for college may feel like a bit of a gut punch, but it’s imperative to view it as the complement it is: you are a front-running candidate to enter the program. Remember: they also had the option of not putting you on the wait list at ALL.

As someone who has been on multiple waitlists for various types of programs, I completely understand your pain. Sometimes it’s easier to just know one way or the other…ESPECIALLY if that’s your first-choice program. There’s nothing more agonizing than feeling like you’re putting your life on hold as you’re waiting for a yes while most of your other friends are already excitedly making plans for their next year.

The one positive thing here is that you have been given the gift of more time. When you get immediate acceptance into a program, the clock is ticking right away. You will sometimes need to accept a place before all of your options are in front of you.

Getting put on a waitlist for college gives you a chance to really assess the situation and decide if it’s an option you would take, or if you may be better off elsewhere.

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17 Weird Study Techniques for Students Who've Already Tried Everything

So, you’re getting tired of just re-reading the same passages over and over again?

You want to try something a little different?

One of these strategies might just possibly the key to solving your studying woes!

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The Secret to Stress-Free Exams; Effective Study Techniques for University Students

What if I told you there was a BOOK that could help you:
~Speed up the studying process
~Study smarter, not harder
~Learn how to abolish studying burnout
~To take notes like a boss
~Study less, absorb more
~Find motivation within the abyss

Well, I’m telling you: NOW THERE IS!

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How to Use Flashcards (and The Secret Leitner Method): Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to study techniques, it’s pretty hard to avoid one of the giants: flashcards!

But, why? Don’t they go out of style after grade 2?


Just because they’re useful when you’re a kid doesn’t mean they’re NOT useful now. In fact, as you develop more independence in your learning process, flashcards will quickly become your absolute best friend.

If you’re new to making your own flashcards and practicing with them yourself, read on: there are certainly techniques and strategies around that will fast-track you to success!

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Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning: Effective Study Tips for Different Learning Styles

Everyone has a way of learning that works best for their brain.

Don't believe me?

Have you ever noticed that some people would rather sit in a lecture hall and have something explained, while others prefer to read everything from the textbook? No, one of them isn't just weird. These two systems can give you the exact same information, but the average student will likely prefer one method over the other. Neither approach is wrong, or worse in general. It's only wrong/worse if it goes against their natural learning tendencies.

Introducing: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning

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